Friday, 5 February 2010

Problems With the Titles in my Film

During the making of my film I had various difficulties with the titles standing out. The reason why I have experienced these difficulties is because the colours black and white are used in my film. The protagonist is dressed in a black jacket and the snow that has fell on the ground would not make white titles visable. The title colour I may have to use may be a bright colour, I will esure that the colour has some relation to the film.

A colour such as grey may be used. The reason why the colour grey may be used is because it is a colour that is not s odrak as black s oyou would be able to see it agaist the costume of the charater. also grey is darker than the colour of the snow, so therefore grey would be a good option. The only problem with the colour grey is that it has no real relevance to my film.

Another colour that could be used maybe used is red. The reason why red may be used is because it will not blend into any of the background of my film. Also an advantage of using red is that red represents blood. The idea is that the antagonist will go through anything, even killing the protagonist to get what he wants.