Monday, 2 November 2009


This is an example of back lighting.

With back lighting, the main lighting enters the shot through the back of the shot. Usually back lightings create the effects of solhouettes.

This is an example of top lighting.

With top lighting, the main lighting enters the shot through the top of the shot. Top lighting can also make characters look glamorous.

This is an example of underlighting.

With underlighting, the main lighting enters the shot it comes from below the persons face as shown to the left. This type of lighting is mainly used in horror films because it confuses the viewers.

This is an example of low-key lighting.

This is an example of high-key lighting.

There is is clear difference from high-key lighting to low-key lighting, this is clearly identified by the images show above. High-key lighting is much brighter than low-key lighting.

Both of these types of lighting could be used in my film. I the type of lighting i am likely to use is low-key lighting, these reason for this is because my film i will make will involve a finding of valuables in a house and the representation of films like this tend to use low-key lighting.

Lighting in the film; Dead Again

The lighting used in part of the film is low-key lighting. The colours are black and white and this suggests that part of the film is a dream. Lighting has been used in this particular exact to show a dramatic affect in the characters. Baker appears in the film to show simplicity, on the other hand mystery is shown through Strauss. The mood in this extract of Dead Again suggests that the criminal is suspicious through the way that the lighting only shows half of the face.

Film Noir

Film Noir is what the French film analysers called films made in the nineteen forties and fifties in America. Most of these films took place during the evening time, this is why the french called this genre of films Film Noir because the English word for Noir is black, black is associated with night times. Most of the films were set in large cities and dark alleyways, they have a general dull feel to them.

Here is the opening of a Film Noir film D.O.A

The film D.O.A is a Film Noir film, the director of this film is Rudolph Mate.

This is the film poster for D.O.A.

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