Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Inside locations for my film

This is the desk where the antagonist will be seated viewing the blue prints for the property he is planning to break into.

This shot is what the viewer will see. In this shot you will see the antagonists face, also you will see that the antagonist is viewing something on the table.

This image is of the antagonists lounge area.

This is also a image of the antagonists lounge area.

This is an image of the protagonists bedroom, the valuable jewellery will be in this room.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Questionnaire Analysis

With the response from different people who participated in my questionnaire I am able to use their answers. I will use their answers to try and make a good film with everything that look for in a thriller film.

I must make sure that the good person in the film and the bad person are established, I will be able to do this because the antagonist will be in a vehicle, this will be clearly visible that the vehicle is the getaway vehicle.

I have thought about if the plot will be revealed in the opening of the film. I will reveal some of the main plot, but I will not reveal much action. Not revealing much action will be the viewer watching.

Monday, 21 December 2009

Questionnaire Results

I have received many replies to the questionnaires I sent out to various people in my contact list. Here are the results;

1. Name Three Thrillers?

- The God Father
- Psycho
- The Silence of the Lambs
- Seven
- Jaws

2. During the opening of a thriller what may you as the viewer expect to see happen?

- During the opening I would expect to see the goody and the bady established
- During the opening I would expect to be able to follow the storyline without any dramatic action

3. Name as many thriller directors as you know?

- Alfred Hitchcock
- Steven Spielberg
- Jonathon Demme
- Neill Blomkemp

4. Is there any thriller sun genres you know?

- Psychological thriller
- Drama thriller
- horror thriller

5. Name a thriller film and director and say why you liked it?

- I like the opening of the thriller Jaws directed by Steven Speilberg, the reason why I like the opening of the film is because the opening part is all very quiet and then as the film continues the action picks up.
- I like the opening of the thriller/horror the Silence of the Lambs, the reason why I like this film is because the you do not expect the opening scene eventually lead on the prison scenes, although you can see the scenes are linked because it is all part of the training.

6. Do you as the viewer think that the opening of the film reveals the plot or keep the viewer in suspense?

- I think the film should reveal the plot otherwise some viewers such as myself will not get into the action and will start to get board very early on.
- I do not think the film should reveal the plot in the opening because you feel as you have already watched a whole film in the first few minuets.

7. Which aspect of the technical codes (editing, camerawork, and sound) of a thriller film has the greatest effect on the viewer?

- I think the camerawork has the greatest effect because if the camerawork is very smooth and not jumpy you do not expect anything sudden to happen and the chances are that it wont.
- I think that the sound is the greatest effect because if the sound is happy you get the feel that the film is a romance film the same way that if the sound is heavy and sudden you get the idea that the film will be a horror/thriller.

8. In a thriller film, what do you expect the villain to be like?

- The villain should not go round killing everybody body he sees otherwise it would be a horror film, he should not have any happy scenes in the film though.
- the villain in he film should be sly about all their actions.

9. Name a thriller that you have scene and explain the opening?

- The Silence of the Lambs. The effect this film had on me was that it changed from a sportiness atmosphere to a more serious atmosphere, the two combined make a good thriller film.
- Jaws. The effect that this film had on me was that it starts of happily by the beach, then it turns very serious.

10. What do you think makes thriller films successful?

- To make a thriller film successful there needs to be an equal match between happiness and violent clips, this is shown clearly in Face/off.
- To make successful a thriller film. The actors must keep the viewers in suspense, they must not give the whole story away at the start of the film.

Friday, 18 December 2009


A storyboard will be an essential part of the planning of my film. The reason why I will need to create a storyboard is so that I can have something to work off, also I will have to know what the shot order of my film is. The shots that I am considering using I have drawn so I can physically put them in order so there is no complication.

My Storyboard

Shot 1

In this shot there is the antagonist who is on the phone to the solicitor's trying to get hold of blue prints for the property. In this shot there is dialogue, there will only be the dialogue from the person in the shot, the person on the phone will not be heard.

The shot size is going to be a long shot, the angle of the shot will be a high angle shot. The only camera movement that may be used in the shot may be a zoom. The lighting for the shot will be dim.

The setting of the shot will be the antagonist's home. The props used in this shot will consist of a table and a phone. The costume that the criminal will be wearing will be a casual pair of jeans and a t-shirt. There will be no music in this shot, and the only sound in the shot will be the criminals voice on the phone.

Shot 2

In this shot a vulnerable women, the protagonist is walking up the drive way of the house, on her own. There is no dialogue in this shot.

The size of the shot will be a medium shot of the women walking towards the house. The camera movement that may be involved is a panning shot, this will follow behind the women towards the house. The camera angle used in this shot will be an eye-level angle. This shot will take place of an early evening so the lighting used will be dusk.

The setting of this shot is of the woman's grandmother's front drive way. The props used in this shot will consist of the women holding a shopping bag. As with shot 1 the women will be dressed casually. There will be non-diegetic sound in this shot, as the grandmother has died but has been in a critical condition for months the family were expecting it, the women is not really upset by the death so the sound will be cheerful, the reason why this sound will be used is because she will be in the house alone, she can have a pizza to herself and watch a DVD of her choice.

Shot 3

In this shot you will see the antagonist spying on the protagonist. There will be no dialogue in this shot because the antagonist will just be working out in his head a plan.

The shot size that I may used is either a long shot or a medium-close up. There will be no camera movement in this shot. The camera angle in either the long shot or the medium-close up used will be at eye-level. The lighting will be day time lighting because the antagonist is still finalising his ideas.

The setting of this shot will be in the motor that the antagonist is in. The props used in this shot will be the motor and the blue prints for the house. The costume will again be casual jeans and a t-shirt. The sound that will be used in this shot will be peaceful music because nothing has happened yet.

Shot 4

This shot will show the antagonist assessing the blue prints. The dialogue in this shot will consist of the antagonist talking on the mobile, however the viewer can only suspect who he is talking to, the jeweller.

The shot size will be a medium shot. There will be no camera movement in this shot. The camera angle used in this shot will be an eye-level shot. The lighting will be day time lighting.

The setting of this shot will be in the road outside where the women, the protagonist is temporally living. The props in this shot will include the motor that antagonist is sitting in. The costume of the character will be casual jeans and a t-shirt again. The sound in the shot will be peacefully music changing into a more upbeat sound.

Shot 5

This shot is of the antagonist in his home looking at the blue prints. There will be no dialogue in this shot.

The shot size will be a long-medium shot. There will be no camera movement, however, a zoom may be used to show the blue prints or the antagonists face. The camera angle used in this shot will be a high angle shot. The lighting in this shot will be artificial lighting from the ceiling lights.

The setting of this shot will be in the antagonists house. The props in this shot will consist of the the blue prints and a table. There will be no sound or music in this shot.

Shot 6

This shot will show the house when its early evening time. There will be no characters in this shot so there will be a lack of dialogue.

The shot used will be a panning shot, on location. This will move from the ground to the top of the house then back down to the ground, then up again, however the shot will stop panning when the camera is eye-level on the home.

The setting of this shot will be at the temporary home of the woman. The only props will be the actual house. The sound that will be used will be windy and rainy.

Shot 7

In this shot the antagonists will be seen pulling up outside the house, where the break-in is planned. There will be no dialogue in this shot.

The shot size used in this shot will be a long shot. There will be camera movement, the camera will be rising slowly. The lighting used will be nearly darkness.

The setting of this shot will be outside the protagonists home. The props in this shot will be the antagonists motor pulling up. The costume of the characters will be casual, jeans and a t-shirt. The only sound in this shot will be the sound of the motor.

Shot 8

This shot will be of the camera moving towards the darkness of the sky, in a rising mode. The only sound in this shot will be nature sounds.

Thursday, 17 December 2009

My Film Description

A women has tempoerily moved into a large house full of valuables that her and her sister have inherited from her grandmother. The house is in the surburbs of a large city. The reason why the one sister is living in the house is because she does not live local and she has been left to organise the funeral and the will. The reason why the other sister is not living there is because she has children.

The sister who has the child is going through a divorce with her husband. The house that the family of three live in has to be kept because, by rights the wife and child still has to live there until the child is 18. The father now has no money left, and is in debt. He decides that he will break in to his wife's grandmothers home and steal some of the none identifiable goods in the home.

The man will have blue prints of the home because he is unfamiliar with the house because whenever he used to see his wife's grandmother it was at his house because she used to drive to their home. He will get the blue prints from the solicitors because he will stay the family want to do the house up and need to show the refurbish of the property the plans.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

What Sound Types will be used in my Film

Sound will be used in my film to create diffrent effects. Sound in my film may be diegetic or non-diegetic, if I use diegetic sound in my film it will give the effect that the film is happening now, however if I use non-digetic sound it will give the effect that everything is emphasised. My film will only consist on paraellel sound, the reason why I will only use paraellel sound in my film is because I do not want to confuse my viewers in any way.

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Audience Research for my film

I have tired to establish a film cerificate for my film, now to get it absoulty correct I could take out a survey. The survey that I have made may be in a questionaire form. These are the questions I will ask:

1. Name three thriller films?

2. During the opening of the film, what may you as the viewer expect or see happen?

3. Name as many thriller directors as you know?

4. Is there any thriller sub genres that you know?

5. Name a thriller film and the director and say why you liked the film?

6. Do you think as the viewer that the opening of the film reveal the plot or keep the viewer in suspense?

7. Which aspect of the technical codes (editing, camerawork and siuond) of a thriller film has the greatest effect on you as the viewer?

8. In a thriller film, what do you expect the villian to be like?

9. Name a thriller that you have seen and explain the effect the opening had?

10. What do you think makes thriller films successful?

I Think these questions will be good for the research of my opening of the thriller film, the reason for this is because all the ten questions cove reverything that needs to be covered to make a good opening of a thriller film. To get the questionaire circulated for answers to could attach the questionaire to an e-mail and the send then send the e-mail to people in my contact list.

Monday, 14 December 2009

Target Audience for different films

It is very important that my film is aimed at the right target audience. A film like Screem is not aimed at small children but is aimed at young adults at the ages of 18 plus. Certificates are put on diffrent films to ensure that only the suitable audience can view the film.

A "U" cerificate film is a film that is suitable for any person, with no age restrictions, its universal.

A "PG" cerificate film is a film that is suitable for all ages, however some scenes may not suit the younger children, its parental guidence.

A "12A" cerificate is a film suitable for people over the age of 12, under 12's can view this certificate film in a cienema, as long as they have and adult with them, its 12 accompanied.

A "12" cerificate is a film suitable for people over the age of 12, under 12's can not buy this film or watch it in a cienma.

A "15" certificate film is suitable for people of the age of 15, under 15's can not buy this film or watch it in a cienma.

A "18" certificate film is suitable for people over the age of 15, under 18's can not buy this film or watch it in the cienma.

A "R18 restricted" film is suitable for anyone over the age of 18, they are only allowed to be shown in specially licenced cinemas.
I have used the Britsh Board of Film Classification website to help my decide of a film certificate for my film.
A "U" film on the bbfc website is Toy Story 2, the decription for this film is "contains very mild violence and treat". A "PG" film on the bbfc website is Astro Boy, the decription for this film is "contains mild fantasy violence". A "12A" film on the bbfc website is About Steve, the desription for this film is "contains moderate sex references". A "15" film on the bbfc website is Cracks, the description of this film is "contains moderate nudity and sexual obsession theme". A "18" film on the bbfc website is The Descent: Part 2, the decription for this film is "contains strong gory violence and horror". As you can can see clearly as the film certificate rises the adult theme rises too.

As I have reviewed many diffrent certificates of films I have been think about what certificate my film will be. Taking all the certificate decriptions into account I may put my film as a certificate 15. These type of films contain, contains strong sustained threat and bloody violence, contains strong sex refrences and soft drug use and contains strong language and sex refrences.

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Camera Movements

Panning Shot

A panning shot is used in films to show an area of space. The camera will move from side to side at the same height. This also may be used to show many people in a line.

Tilt Shot

A tilt shot is used in films also to show an area of space. The camera will move up and down at the same height. This also may be used to show the length of a person's body.

Crane Shot

A crane shot is used in a film to show action, the crane shot will follow the action. This may also be referred to as a tracking shot.

Rolling Shot

A rolling shot is used in films to create effect. The camera will move cross ways making the image look off-centre.


A zoom is used to show detail. When a zoom is taking place the camera does not move, the lens of the camera focuses down, or zooming out will show more of the background of the scene.

Friday, 11 December 2009

Types of Sound used in Films


Diegetic sound is the sound that is actually in the film. Examples of diegetic sound would be, the actors voices, sounds that have been made by objects in the scene and music that is made by instruments. Diegetic sound does not have to be visible, depending on the scene, an example of the may be if the actor is in another room and their voice is heard in the room next door. Another example of where diegetic sound is not visible may be if there is a scene where a character is walking past a house and a piano is heard being played.

Diegetic sound may also be referred to as actual sound.


Non-diegetic sound is sound that has been added to the scene after the scene has been filmed, the sound is also not show on screen. Examples of non-diegetic sound is the programme's or film's narrator's voice, the mood music added to the scene and sound effects that have been added to create a certain effect.

Non-diegetic sound may also be referred to as Commentary sound.

Sound Bridge

A Sound Bridge is used in scenes as a transition to the next scene effortlessly. Sound bridges bring the audience in or out of a scene mentally. Sound bridges start at the start of a scene with the sound from the previous scene, they can also start at the end of of the scene and the sound from the next scene starts early. With sound bridges you gt the idea that the scenes are connected because the sound is the same.


Contrapuntal sound is used in scenes to create a sort of atmosphere. When contrapuntal sound is used it is like the opposite of what actually is happening in the scene, the sound does not fit the scene.


Parallel sound is used in films to create the sense that the sound playing is the same of what is happening in the scene. Parallel sound is caused by the action in the scene.

Parallel sound may also be referred to as synchronous sound.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Mise-En-Scene (objects) in my film

Blue print will be used in my film in more than one scene. My film will invovle unauthrised entry into a building, therefore the blue prints will be used by the main character; the criminal to try and work out their planned route once they have gained entry into the building itself.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Ideas taken from other films and thatt may be used in my film

I have been researching a number of different films. I have been taking some ideas from different films that I have researched to help me create a film.

Some ideas that I may use are from the film Flawless. In this film one of the main character wants to steal the diamonds from the London Diamond industry. The diamonds that are stolen by the character a thought to be worth millions of pounds.

Another film that I have taken some ideas from is Scream. The reason why I like this because the main character at the start of this film is made to feel very vulnerable by the person who is dressed in the costume.

With both films; Flawless and Screen, I have taken some valuable ideas that could be used. My film may involve Vulnerability as seen in the film Scream. My film may also show aspects of something that is trying to be stolen, the film Flawless shows something been stolen.

I have taken ideas from different films, however just because I have taken some ideas from different established films it does not mean that my film will follow the same storyline.

Anaylising film's through film posters
This film poster is from the film Pleasantville. After anaylising this film poster and not seeing the film you get the idea that this film may be about two people in love. The storyline may be about two people who are going to get married. The genre of this film may be a romance film. The target audience of this film may be a tweleve plus.

This is a film poster from the film A Perfect Murder. This film may be about a murder. The storyline may be about trying to create the perfect murder. The genre of this film may be a thriller, mystery. The target audience of this film may be a fifthteen plus.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

How Mise-En-Scene could be used in my film

Mise-En-Scene is used in every film to create an effect for the viewer. Films where the actor is dressed in a three-piece suit are automatically, by the viewer associated with business people. If in my film there is a bare room with just one or two piece of furniture in there, with no clutter gives the viewer the impression that the person who is in the room lives a simply life, or that the person mind is not overwhelmed. If on the other hand somebody is in a room with loads of clutter such as old; newspapers, magazines and books then this gives the viewer the impression that the person lives a rather hectic life or their mind is busy.

Monday, 7 December 2009

Props that may be used in my film

Within my research for thriller films I have had ideas about what props I could use in my film. I want my film to look realistic so I when it comes to props I should use props that look naturalistic with no extra work on them.

These images may be used in my film because I want to create the effect that a piece of really expensive gold can be stored in an ordinary jewelery box. The idea for my film may be for somebody who needs to get the gold from a building under unauthorised access.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Outside locations that may be for my film

When making my film I need make sure that I get my location right, it would be not very realistic for the film to be set a busy city centre. Most thriller films are either set in the city surburbs or the country side.

This image is of a building that will be a esstenal part of my film.

This is an example of an surbubian area where my film may be set.

This is also a suburbian area where my film may be filmed.

Friday, 4 December 2009

Ideas for my film taken from Film Directors

Within my film research I have looked at film directors. I have been inspired by different film directors, Jonathon Demme is a film director who films I have researched to a massive extent. Alfred Hitchcock tends to direct psychological thrillers, I would like my film to be a hybrid between a drama and a psychological thriller.

One of Jonathon Demme's most memorable films is the Silence of the Lambs. I have taken some points from this film because when you watch this film you are always thinking, how did that happen; and example of this in the Silence of the Lambs would be When Hannibal Lector breaks free with just a pen to do it with.

My film idea may not be the same as the Silence of the Lambs or indeed any other of Jonathon Demme'sfilms, but there are expect of many films that I like and that could be used to a certain extent in my film.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Delvelopment of sound in films

Sound is used in diffrent films to create effect. Without sound films are not easy to follow. Even the very first type of films had sound in them, they would have music in the background with no dialogue whatsoever.

The first ever film made was the Tarzan of the Apes; this film was realsed in the USA in 1918. Here is part of the film;


More modern films have dialogue in them, sometimes, however there is no dialogue in the opening of films. With thriller films, ususlly there is no dialogue for the first few minuets, thtere is usually music in its place, or even movement such as footsteps.

The Bourne Idenity is a triller film, the begining of this film starts off with no dialogue just humaam movement and non-diejejctic music, here is the opening;


Wednesday, 2 December 2009

The coventions of the thriller genre

The Thriller Conventions are seen in every Thriller film. Hybrid Thriller films also have some of the Thriller conventions. A Hybrid is identified by the conventions. If a Horror film has a crime at the narrative then it is a Hybrid between a Horror and a Thriller film. The Thriller Conventions are:

- A crime at the narrative

- A complex narrative structure which false paths, clues and revolutions

- Narrative pattern of establishing enigmas with the viewer is expected to resolve

- Protagonists who are systematically dis-empowered

- Extraordinary events happening in ordinary situations

- Themes of voyeurism

- Protagonist with a flaw which is exploited by the antagonist

- Titles often reflect an aspect of the protagonist physiological state

- There is often a scene near the end of the film which the protagonist is in peril

- Mise-En-Scene which echoes the Protagonists plight

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Camera Angles used for Effect

Camera angles are used in films to create an effect, also the camera angles may be used to give the viewer an impression.

The camera angle used in this shot is a low angle shot. The reason why this shot has been used is to create the effect that the viewer feals less supior than the film charcter.

The camera angle used in this shot is a high angle hot. the reason why this shot has been used to create the effect that the viewer feels more supior than the film character.

Friday, 27 November 2009

The Silence of the Lambs (opening)


The Silence of the Lambs is a film that has has become part of my research because of its Genre; Horror/Thriller. The two main chracters are Anothony Hopkins and Jodie Foster. In this film Clarice Starling is a trainee Police Officer and her task is to find out information about Doctor Hannibal Lector.

Although the stroyline of this film my not be like my film, the thriller genre that it is will be similar to my film. When watching the opening part of this film, you are not able to predict what will happen in the rest of the film, this is how i want my film to appear.

Thursday, 26 November 2009


Editing is completed when the film has already been filmed. Editing is used to get from one scene to another scene. Non-Diejectic sound will also be added at the stage of editing. Editing should not be noticeable to the viewer, editing that is noticeable to the viewer will take away any sense of realism. The most common types of editing are:

- A fade to black, this signifies an ending to an episode.

- Disolve, a way of getting from scene to scene.

- Wipe, this editing technique is used for comedy or specialist films.

- Jump cut, a jump cut can reflect a charcher's state of mind.

- Continuity editing, this editing techique can help the viewer to follow a character.

- Graphic match, this is when a object turns into reality, for example; if you are looking at the clock wishing you were in the sun, then being in the sun.

- 180 degree rule, this is wher the camera stays to 180 degrees and does not cross that line.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009


Mise-En-Scene is everything that a viewer can seen in the shot, such as; costumes, props, facial expressions, lighting ans where the characters are situated within the shot itself, Mise-En-Scene is a french phrase meaning "Putting on stage" which is similar to everything in the scene. Mise-En-Scene helps the viewer understand the film in the sense that they know what genre the film is. Mise-en-scene also helps the viewer understand what the film may be about, before any acting is started by the characters.

It would not make much sense to set a film about the countryside in a busy city. If this is done the film appears to be less realistic than a film that is set in the right location, according to the genre. If a viewer beginnings watching a film that is unrealistic, it is not very likely that they will stayed tuned to watch the film the whole way through because they will see no point. The reason why the viewer will see no point in watching a filmed in a unrealistic location is because when most people watch films, they watch it for escapism. Film escapism is literally when a viewer watches a film simply to escape from their everyday lives.

In television shows, the studios in which they are filmed are not necessarily the same location in where the actually television show is set, this will not make the television show look unrealistic. If the studio that the television show is set up to look like the location that the television show is set in then there many not be any problems. Occasionally to reinforce the location of the television show they film crew may ave to film a couple of scenes on location, the location will actually be the location where the television show is meant to be set. An example of this would be; British Soap; Eastenders, although Eastenders is set in the East End of London the actual location of the studios are in Hertfordshire, the Mise-En-Scene used in this soap to represent London is the sound of the London Underground service in many scenes, there is also the Underground sign post in the actual Square. The location is also made to look realistic with the opening titles of the soap, they are of London.

This image is of the Eastenders opening titles, the Mise-En-Scene used in this clip to represent London is the o2 arena, and the River Thames.


The clip above is an example of on location filiming, to make the Mise-En-Scene look more realisitic.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Film Trailer (Flawless)


This is a film Trailer for the film; Flawless. This film may be similar to my film, the reason for this is because the storyline of this is film is that somebody wants to break into a safe and steal the jewelery from the London Diamond Corporation. My film will not necessarily be set at the London Diamond Corporation but my film may involve some jewelery been stolen.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Film Openings (Scream)


In this opening sequence of Scream, Casey is made to feel vulnerable by the Intruder. The reason why i have analysis the opening sequence of this film is because my film idea is similar; in my film there is going to be a sentimentally valuable item in a house and a break-in will have to bee used to get the item, this will make the current tenants feel vunerable.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Directors of well known films

Spike Lee is a famous American film director, Lee's movies have examined race relations, the role of media in contemporary life, urban crime and poverty, and other political issues. Many of these have been Thrillers.
One of Lee's films is:
- Summer Of Sam

This is the movie poster for 'Summer Of Sam ' shows us gruesome newspaper headlines which give the viewer the impression that this film is going to be quite Gorey and involve a serial killer. Clippings like 'WANTED' and 'No One Is Safe From Son Of Sam' makes us think that there is a battle between good and evil. The red writing reminds the viewers of blood and destruction.

Clint Eastward is an established American actor and film director. He has received five Academy Awards, five Golden Globe Awards, a Screen Actors Guild Award and five People's Choice Awards—including one for Favorite All-Time Motion Picture Star.

Some of Eastwood's films include:

- Play Misty For Me

This movie poster for Play Misty For Me, this poster shows the viewer that the image is in dull colours, this shows that is may be a horror/thriller film. The character at the top of the poster is shown holding a Knife, this shows that somewhere in the film a murder may take place.

-Absolute Power

This film poster is for the film Absolute power. This poster is only showing one character's face. This character is clearly the antagonist in the film. The fact that half the film's name is in red also shows signs of blood, and the fact that somebody may be killed

Jonathan Demme is a film director, he has earned many awards for his work, including the Academy AwardĂ‚® for Best Director for Silence of the Lambs (1991).

Demme's films include:

- Philadelphia

This is a film poster for the film Philadelphia. This film poster two characters, the character on the left is the protagonist and the character on the right is the antagonist. This is identified because the protagonist is wearing white; white shows signs of purity, while the antagonist is wearing black and shows that they may be hiding something.

- The Silence of the Lambs

This is a film poster for The Silence of the Lambs. This film poster is very simple, it shows a pale person with a animal covering their mouth. The background is black, this is to make the character stand out.

Alfred Hitchcock is a film director, he was a British-American filmmaker and producer who pioneered many techniques in the suspense and psychological thriller genres.

Hitchcock's films include:

- Rear Window

This is a film poster for the film Rear Window. This film shows that the male character in the poster will be spying on a character through the rear window, because he had a spying device in his hand.


This is a film poster for the film Psycho. This film poster uses very simplistic colours, also on the far left of the poster there is a man with a red face, he may be seen to be the psycho.

- The Bird

This is a film poster for the film The Bird. Even without looking at the title you know that the film is going to be about birds because there are birds displayed on the poster. The colours in this poster that are used are very light colours, this shows more detail. You also know that the film is going to be about birds attacking the characters.

Stanley Kubrick is a film director. Kubrick is widely acknowledged as one of the most accomplished, innovative and influential filmmakers in the history of cinema.

Some of Kubrick's films include:

- The Shining

This is a film poster for the film The Shining. This film poster is connected to shining because the majority of the poster is yellow. There is also a face in the letter T, this is placed here to make the viewer think about why this image is appearing, and that the face may represent the sun.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Camera Frames

Different camera shots are used in films to create many different meanings. Here are some camera shots that i may decide to use in my film to create effect for the viewer.

The shot used in this image is a Birds Eye view shot, this shot may be used in films to give the viewer to view the whole scene, and everybody in it.

The shot used in this image is a Two shot, this shot may be used to show the two main characters in a film or to show two characters facial expressions, like the image opposite. Three shots can also be used to show three characters.

The shot used in this image is an Extreme Close Up, this shot may be used in a film to show character's emotions. This shot may also to used to something like a small scratch clearly.

The shot used here is Close Up, this shot may be used in a film to show the character's facial expressions in detail.

The shot used in this image is a Medium Close Up, this shot may be used to show the character's facial expressions.

The shot that is used here is an Over the Shoulder shot. This shot is used to show the opposite character's emotion when the other character is speaking.

The shot used in this image is a Medium shot. A Medium shot is usually showing a character from the waist up to the character's head.

Scream 2 (research)

Scream 2 is a Horror thriller film, this film is in a series of Scream, there has been been Screen, Scream 2, Scream 3, and there is spectulation of a Screen 4. All the Scream films are filmed in the United States of America.
This film is following the same idea of Screen, the college students are trying to find out who the murder may be after in Screen Casey and her boyfriend, Steve were killed.
In Screen 2, in the college the killer sits next to Maureen Evans, Maureen thinks the killer is her boyfriend wearing the mask that the killer wears whenever he kills somebody, the killer kills Maureen later on in the film.
In this film there is huge speculation between all of the college students as of who the killer may be.

Flawless (research)

Flawless is a film that is set in London in the 1960's, the genre is a Crime Drama film. The main actor in this film is Michael Caine. Michael Caine's charcter; Mr Hobbs works for the London Diamond Corporation and is about to reitire, however the London Diamond Corporation is not offering him the amount of money he would like. He asks for the help of one of the companies executives; Laura Quinn, who is played by Demi Moore.

The film starts of with Laura Quinn as an old women, then the film goes back in time to when both Mr Hobbs and Laura Quinn were working at the London Diamond Corporation.

The plan of the Film is for both main charcters; Mr Hobbs and Laura Quinn to steal from the London Diamond Corporation. Their plan is interupted when they discover that the London Diamond Corporation has installed CCTV, however, they get round this because Mr Hoobs discovers that the camaras are on a rota basis, this means that the corridor that the safe is on is only on CCTV for sixty seconds every two minutes. Laura Quinn is under the impression that Mr Hoobs will only steal one flask of diamonds (because she think that if only one flasks size goes missing the other members of staff may not notice), in fact he steals all the diamonds in the safe.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Thriller films

Here are a some diffrent sub-genres to thriller films.

Mission Impossible II is an Action thriller film, the main actor in this film is Tom Cruise.

Hannibal is a Psycological thriller, the main actor in this film is Anthony Hopkins.

Get Carter is an Action thriller film, the main actor in this film is Sylvester Stallone, however this was the remade version, the first film was realsed 29 years earlier, with the main actor in the earlier, Michael Caine.

The Bourne Identity is a Paranoid thriller, the main actor in this film is Matt Damon.