Thursday, 3 December 2009

Delvelopment of sound in films

Sound is used in diffrent films to create effect. Without sound films are not easy to follow. Even the very first type of films had sound in them, they would have music in the background with no dialogue whatsoever.

The first ever film made was the Tarzan of the Apes; this film was realsed in the USA in 1918. Here is part of the film;

More modern films have dialogue in them, sometimes, however there is no dialogue in the opening of films. With thriller films, ususlly there is no dialogue for the first few minuets, thtere is usually music in its place, or even movement such as footsteps.

The Bourne Idenity is a triller film, the begining of this film starts off with no dialogue just humaam movement and non-diejejctic music, here is the opening;

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