Thursday, 17 December 2009

My Film Description

A women has tempoerily moved into a large house full of valuables that her and her sister have inherited from her grandmother. The house is in the surburbs of a large city. The reason why the one sister is living in the house is because she does not live local and she has been left to organise the funeral and the will. The reason why the other sister is not living there is because she has children.

The sister who has the child is going through a divorce with her husband. The house that the family of three live in has to be kept because, by rights the wife and child still has to live there until the child is 18. The father now has no money left, and is in debt. He decides that he will break in to his wife's grandmothers home and steal some of the none identifiable goods in the home.

The man will have blue prints of the home because he is unfamiliar with the house because whenever he used to see his wife's grandmother it was at his house because she used to drive to their home. He will get the blue prints from the solicitors because he will stay the family want to do the house up and need to show the refurbish of the property the plans.

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