Friday, 15 January 2010

Sounds that may be used in my Film

Thunder and lightning sounds may be played into my film at appropriate times during the opening of my film. Towards the end of the opening part of my film I may use a sound effect like thunder and lighting to show the house that the protagonists lives in to be vulnerable. Thunder and lightning also shows a sense scariness. Or I may have the Sound of trees swaying as this has the same effect.

I will also have a clock ticking sound playing when the antagonist is looking at his watch. The reason why I will have this playing is because he makes the antagonist look even more under pressure.

I may also have classical music playing on the clip where the protagonist is walking upto her house. The reason why I will play classical music is because he is relaxed and is unaware of what is about to happen.

The sound of a a van may also be played on the last shot of my film. The reason why I only want the sound to play in the Background an the audience not phyiscally see the van is because I want to keep the audience hooked and also not to reveal is the van is the antagonists van.

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